Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Crew of the Ghost - Painted Miniatures for Imperial Assault

Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018) remains one of the few treasures to be found in the rag-and-bone shop that is Disney's Star Wars franchise.

Ghost Crew aka the Spectres painted miniatures for Star Wars Imperial Assault

revisited and reamplified all the treasured themes of the original trilogy without becoming mawkish or repetitive. As Graeme Virtue wrote at The Guardian, this is probably because the show borrowed so much from Firefly: "Shambolic heists, an emphasis on wisecracks and the unplanned formation of a surrogate family? Star Wars Rebels is the Firefly remake fans have been crying out for ever since Joss Whedon’s space western got cancelled." 

*  *  *  *  *

It took me four or five years longer than I planned, but I've finally painted all the miniatures for the crew of the Ghost that were released by Fantasy Flight Games for Star Wars Imperial Assault.

First up is Ezra Bridger, released in 2018 as part of the 11th Wave Ally pack with Kanan Jarrus. Ezra stands out as one of the few young-adult heroes who is not altogether exasperating. Indeed, his occassional childishness is exactly what helps the other characters (especially Kanan and Hera) jell into a coherent family.

Ezra Bridger Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

I've always had a soft spot for Kanan Jarrus, since, when we first meet him, he fits into my favourite SW roleplaying archetype: the failed Jedi. Sadly (at least for me), he seems to get his act together pretty quickly within the first season.

Kanan Jarrus Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

Sabine Wren is probably the reason I took so long to paint these figures. I was always intimidated by portraying her hand-painted armor and brightly dyed hair. She was released in 2018 as part of the 11th Wave Ally Pack with Zeb Orrelios.

Sabine Wren Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

No beat-up starship is complete without an oversized and occasionally gruff alien. In the case of the Ghost, this vital position is filled by Zeb Orrelios. Kudos to the sculptor for rendering the first miniature I've ever seen in the process of cracking his knuckles. Very characterful!

Zeb Orrelios Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

Faithful readers might remember seeing Chopper and Hera already (they were released in 2017 and I wrote about them later that year). But for completeness, I'm posting their pictures again. Chopper, of course, is just R2-D2 after four or five lines of Colombian toot.

Chopper C1-10P Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

Hera remains one of my favourite Star Wars paintjobs. I was very pleased with how her patterned tentacles turned out. Mmmm... lekku.

Hera Syndulla Star Wars Imperial Assault painted miniature

Thanks for coming by! And stay loose!

Crack, crack, crack.


  1. Excellent work as always Matthew!
    Warm regards

  2. Excellent renditions of the Ghost crew Matthew, they are a firm favourite of mine, and they draw even older history as they were based off of Ralph Mcquires concept sketch for the original Star Wars heroes, but would expect nothing less from Dave Filoni, also known as the encyclopaedia of Star Wars, he did similar in the Bad Batch series where he based the first version of Stormtroopers off of another of Ralph's original sketches.

    1. I didn't know that! I'm going to have to look up those Mcquire sketches. Thanks for the inside info, Dave.

    2. For the curious, here are some examples:
