My recent enthusiasm for Stargrave sparked me to paint some of the models produced by North Star Military Figures. I feel an affinity for North Star, partially because of their relationship with the sculptor Mark Copplestone (a Citadel alum whose work I love to paint), and also because of North Star's association with Kevin Dallimore (whose excellent how-to book helped me get back into the world of miniature painting 15 years ago. I wish it were back in print so I could recommend it to my friends).
The miniatures that North Star has produced for Stargrave are first rate. And there's a nice choice between plastic sprue sets and metal. Its a diverse range too, with cyborgs, dirty mercenaries, and mystic warriors -- and yet they all have a unified vibe. It's the vibe that really attracts me. With its character-driven sculpts, accurate 28mm scale, and seamless blend of grit & pulp, this is a range that fits in nicely with my beloved RT601 Rogue Trader adventurers.
I don't paint a lot of plastic miniatures, but I found assembling North Star's plastic sprue sets of crew, mercenaries, and troopers to be a relaxing pastime in itself. I guess that's why people like model planes. Anyway, here's the first fellow I did get around to painting...
Thanks for coming by! I hope your own projects are all going well.