Friday, December 27, 2024

How Many Miniatures Can You Paint in a Year?

I kept track of my output this year and find I painted 135 miniatures in 2024. How was your painting?

The last time I kept such careful records was in 2017, when I painted 220 models. The decline is merely superficial because I painted only during the last six months of this year. During the first half of 2024, my attention was entirely fixed on writing a new rules set for a solo-miniature game (more on this in future posts). After the rules were polished and packed off for editing and playtesting, the paint brushes were finally able to get back into action. 

A dozen or so monsters from the late (and very lamented) Otherworld Miniatures was a particular high point. Painting these models is like stepping back into the pages of the AD&D Monster Manual. Look at this gorgeous WE38 Chimera (sculpted by Drew Day-Williams):

Chimera WE38 Otherworld Miniatures by Drew Day-Williams

Another beautiful sculpture is Paul Muller's DM47 Night Hag, complete with elongated breasts and protruding bones:

Night Hag DM47 Otherworld Miniatures by Paul Muller painted

Besides miniatures, I also painted some serious scenery, including this gorgeous 3d-printed Norman Castle (from the King and Country line):

I continue to cling to the same two or three elderly, attenuated, and abused brushes. By now, they are all as thin as Charlie Brown's hairline. I began the year thinking they were past the cusp of total failure. Yet over 100 minis later, and I'm still forcing these pensioner to work. They have the only point that I trust and can control. I guess they'll die at their post. And what will I do then? 

Perhaps I will turn to necromancy. Does it work on paint brushes?

I hope you have all had a lovely 2024. My year has been brightened by the very faithful companionship of Bertie the dog, who snores on a chair next to me whenever I paint. He's next to me as I write this, keeping an eye on my wordcount.

May you and all your dogs sleep soundly in 2025!


  1. What a brilliant looking dog all the best to you and yours .

  2. Glad you are back to posting. Your paintingskills are still ace of course!

    1. Thanks Mike - it's nice to be back (and to get a warm welcome).

  3. Good to see you again- your brushes have not been idle!

    I'm curious to hear more about your solo rules.

    1. Barks - I just left a somewhat long response on your last post in WGwB.

  4. Great to see a post from you, and you have been very productive, with some fantastic looking models on show. Look forward to reading about your ruleset, and hope you have a Happy New Year

    1. Thanks Dave! I really appreciate the warm welcome back!

  5. I'm so glad you're back! And what a way of coming back! I hope we get more of your work soon!

    1. All my favourite people are still here! Thanks Suber!

  6. Very cool!!

    I only started painting my 25mm models half through the year and I am very slow, I managed about 45 figures.
    But I did make quite a bit of scenery and terrain.

    2025, who knows?
    It would be nice to finish all the figures I have put aside for my project...

    1. I just took a look at your terrain. It's gorgeous, Mike! So much lovely and story-telling detail.

    2. Thank you.
      Story telling is my goal for my Warm Ale and Mud project.

      It is the best way to oldhammer I think.

  7. Happy New Year sir!
    Great to see news from you :)

  8. Wow. This is a late Christmas present - Orlygg has just started posting again and I had a quick scan through my other favourite blogs to find you’ve also hit back to posting. Lots of new blogs for me to catch up on - looking forward to reading through and for more blogs to come in 2025!

    1. I am hopefully that as more and more people get bored of social media, blogs will make a comeback of sorts.
